A Prolegomenon To The Unconscious

A Prolegomenon To The Unconscious

From Henry Miller’s Black Spring. This piece of writing cut me extremely deeply, it wasn’t just a guess Miller somehow knew exactly how I would feel reading it whether this was something that is universal or whether it is something that perhaps only a few people share it was incredible to be told exactly how I would feel reading the end of a book.


The Authour’s thoughts

The Authour's thoughts

Recently more than any art piece, Henry Miller’s Tropic Of Capricorn has affected my thinking, mood, and perspective of the world and I believe I would create far more interesting work as a response to his Obelisk Trilogy than I would from an aesthetically based artist.

(image source: a Miller Collector :http://henry-miller.com/narrative-literature/henry-miller-collectibles.html)