PDP Constellation FTTP

The reason I undertook this constellation module was due to the extremely large progression of creative technologies that are appearing at this time, from 3D printing to increased connectivity from household objects to the movement away from creating via script in the digital world (for example music being created via a new instrument instead of a program such as logic).

The project was set into three parts lead by three different tutors, each of which showing us a specific discipline. Olivia Kostifa showed us things relating to the ability to create objects in new ways and how this could lead to more insightful design. Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos invited us to question how we use digital technology to create art, specifically sound art that he presented examples from his own work and others allowing me to see how I could apply the same resources in my own practice. Paul Granjon introduced us to the Arduino project; an open source robotics platform comprising of various Arduino circuit boards and a programming language built specifically to be used with the boards. The project aims to create a simple to use robotic interface for artists to use and create new types of art.

Having three tutors allowed for us to have a specific tutor for our specific projects fitting the need to have a specialised instructor to inform us of what was integral to the projects we were planning. In my case this was Paul Granjon, I decided I wanted to make a robot as a statement piece against mass surveillance. In the following weeks I learnt how to control various motors and sensors with Arduino slowly improving my competence to the point where I could create a roving robot fulfilling one of the key functions of my planned robot. At this point I decided it was worthwhile designing and creating a chassis for the robot to operate from, this took a far bit of trail and error but eventually I created a working prototype from which I began the process of programming basic movement functions, unfortunately this was halted somewhat when I discovered I had no working battery to power the motors and no money to get a suitable one. I’ve since gotten one and begun further testing and I will soon be adding sensor functions to control direction.

During this module I gained an understanding of a fledgling movement in art culture that I feel in time should gain a strong recognition throughout the artistic community, it is something that I think I may revisit one day, however at this moment in time I find that the need for programming is something I could not cope with for extended periods of time, as when programming I become both extremely bored and frustrated. Personally I believe this is because I can’t visually imagine how various commands and scripts interact and though it is something I think I could perhaps grasp one day, I don’t think I’d ever enjoy the process it is far too disjointed from my working method. I hope one day there is a more usable method for creating robots similar to MaxMSP is for in no physical programming.

Arduino Robot Progress

Over the past few weeks I have been prototyping a moving platform for by Arduino based robot. As over this period I have not had my laptop it was purely designed around the idea of creating a functional platform for the robot to move from. Later the Robot will have additional functionalities that I will explain as and when it is necessary to do so.